Jalandhar January 14 (Jaswinder Singh Azad)- Apeejay College of Fine Arts, Jalandhar which is known for its quality education through out the nation has completed its 50 Golden years in 2025. Since its inception by the Founder Chairman Dr. Stya Paul Ji, the college has been rising and attaining new heights every single year. It was Dr. Stya Paul Ji’s vision, his inspiration, Mrs. Rajeshwari Paul Ji (Respected wife of Dr. Stya Paul Ji) and his sheer dedication and hardwork that this day has come today.
This special year – 2025 which shall be written with golden ink in the history of ACFA, was inaugurated with Hawan Ceremony in which faculty members and students of the college participated with great devotion.
On this special occasion, Mrs. Sushma Paul Berlia (President, Apeejay Stya & Svran Group; Chairperson, Apeejay Education, Chancellor, Apeejay Stya University) was also present virtually who addressed the august gathering. Calling them her Apeejay Family, Mrs. Berlia first congratulated everyone and put forth that our Founder Chairman – Dr. Stya Paul Ji had sowed the seeds of vision, dream and aspirations of quality education 50 years ago which gradually became a sapling and ultimately the huge tree of knowledge.
She added that certainly this journey has been full of challenges and hardwork but it has certainly been worth. She added it is worth mentioning that the Vocational courses which are today the focus of NEP, Dr. Stya Paul Ji had realised this years and years ago and consequently had worked towards this goal.
Madam Berlia also put forth that beginning our Golden Jubilee celebrataions on the day of Makar Sankrati
Madam Berlia also put forth that beginning our Golden Jubilee celebrataions on the day of Makar Sankrati has been the most befitting day for this festival itself symbolizes good vibes, hope and enthusiasm.
Addressing the students especially, Madam Berlia said that what matters the most in our life is ”Our Happiness” and we associate this happiness with our certain goals and aspirations and in order to attain this, we need to unleash our full potential for which the key ingredients are hardwork, dedication, integration, discipline and positive attitude.
Talking of the growth and achievements of the college, Madam Berlia acknowledged the efforts of the former Principal Dr. Sucharita Sharma, Dr. Arun Mishra and Dr. Amita Mishra. She emphasized that each and every person on every position has contributed to this growth and success and it has been a collective effort that College has been soaring higher and higher.
On this day, a new college logo symbolizing 50 years of celebrations was also released.
Dr. Neerja Dhingra, Principal ACFA expressed her gratitude towards Madam Mrs. Sushma Paul Berlia for her constant guidance and her expert leadership under which the college is thriving and soaring high. She also expressed her gratitude towards Dr. Sucharita Sharma (Director, Apeejay Education) and warmly welcomed Dr. Rajesh Bagga (Director, Apeejay Institute of Management and Technical Campus) and the motivational speaker Dr. Udyan Arya.
Dr. Arya addressing the students put forth that in this competitive era it is essential to focus on our own uniqueness and realising our own potential rather than comparing ourselves with others and competing with them.
The students of Department of Dance did a dance on the College theme song. Dr. Sunit Kaur, Head, Department of English and Ms. Lovepreet Kaur of Department of Punjabi handled the stage gracefully and made the programme a success.
Dr. Neerja Dhingra acknowledged and admired the efforts of Programme Incharges – Dr. Amita Mishra, Dr. Monika Anand and Dr. Payal Arora for making the programme a huge success.