KMV celebrates World Environmental Health Day with full zeal and enthusiasm

World Environmental

Jalandhar October 3 (Jaswinder Singh Azad)- Kanya Maha Vidyalaya (Autonomous) celebrated World Environmental Health Day with full zeal and enthusiasm. The celebrations were organised by PG Department of Botany in association with Eco Club KMV under the ageis of Punjab State Council for Science and Technology and Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Govt. of India and KMV IIC. The competition was held under the theme “Millets & Super foods: Innovating Nutrition, Inspiring Green Entrepreneurship” to raise awareness about the nutritional value of millets and super foods and their potential in promoting sustainable entrepreneurship.

The competition saw enthusiastic participation from undergraduate and postgraduate students from various departments. Each student presented a poster that creatively addressed the theme, showcasing innovative ideas about how millets and super foods could play a role in boosting nutrition and supporting eco-friendly entrepreneurial ventures. Many participants also explored the role of super foods in green entrepreneurship, suggesting ways to build sustainable businesses around millet-based products.

Principal Prof. (Dr.) Atima Sharma Dwivedi averred that the event helped in fostering a sense of responsibility towards sustainable practices in nutrition and entrepreneurship amongst the students. Madam Principal acknowledged and appreciated the efforts of faculty and also encouraged the students to continue exploring the intersections of nutrition, sustainability and entrepreneurship.

By admin

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