Jalandhar January 30 (Jaswinder Singh Azad)- Chandrayaan Vipnet club of PG department of Physics, Hans Raj Mahila Maha Vidyalaya, Jalandhar organized Night Sky Watch on 25th January, 2025 for the students to view the captivating display of planetary alignment. Alignments involving multiple planets are not common and provide a unique opportunity for both amateur astronomers and enthusiasts to engage with the night sky. Events like this encourage public interest in astronomy and foster community gatherings for stargazing. Dr. Saloni Sharma (H.O.D. Physics Deptt.) apprised the students about the significant celestial event known as the Planet Parade occurring on 25th January, 2025, featuring the alignment of six major planets: Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
This rare phenomenon allowed for a spectacular view of these planets forming an arc across the night sky, visible from various locations around the globe. High power telescope was set-up in the college lawn by Mr. Sushil Kumar (Asstt. Prof. in Physics) to view this rare event. Respected Madam Principal along with faculty members of the college and students viewed the magnificent Jupiter along with its four moons, Saturn with its beautiful rings, the red planet-Mars and the evening star-Venus with the telescope. Students explored planets patiently and everybody was seemed to be fascinated to see this magnificent spectacle.
A scientific movie on universe was also projected to create awareness
On this event, faculty, Dr. Simmi Garg, Ms. Harpreet, Dr. Gagandeep and Dr. Veena Arora were also present. A scientific movie on universe was also projected to create awareness among the students about the Universe and Celestial Bodies. About 200 students of different classes participated in the event. Principal Prof. Dr.(Mrs.) Ajay Sareen thanked the department of bio-technology for rendering its support to procure the high power telescope and applauded the faculty of PG Department of Physics department for organizing such an innovative event. She also motivated them to contribute to the society by organizing more such events for residents of the city also to quench their curiosity about the celestial objects.