Jalandhar May 10 (Jaswinder Singh Azad)- The PG Department of Commerce & Management, of PCM S.D. College for Women in accordance with the NEP 2020, organized an activity for B. Com FS Semester IV and M. Com Semester II to bridge the industry-academia gap. The activity was an evaluative study of performance appraisal methods formally adopted by HR managers as an evaluative tool and also taught as part of the course curriculum, viz., Human Resource Management.
The students discussed in detail the methods of performance appraisal adopted in the corporate sector with special reference to Google, Adobe, Tata Motors, Apple, etc. The activity aimed to update the students with recent and latest methods used in corporate entities for analyzing the performance of personnel of leading entities and the implications of using such methods.
It served as a learning and knowledgeable experience for the students, and they became well-versed in how organizations can retain and attract the best talent to their advantage. The activity was organized by Mrs. Shikha Puri, Dean of the Commerce Club, for in-depth discussion and deep insights into prevalent human resource management methods.
President Shri Naresh Budhia, Senior Vice President Shri Vinod Dada, other honourable members of the Managing Committee, and the worthy Principal Prof. (Dr.) Pooja Prashar applauded the efforts of the Department of Commerce and Management for successfully organizing the event.